Vahy launched crowdfunding campaign to scale growth and impact globally

Tuesday, 21 March 2024: Today, VAHY proudly announces the launch of its once in a lifetime crowdfunding campaign, inviting like-minded investors to join in propelling VAHY to new heights of global growth.

Since its inception, VAHY has experienced rapid expansion. After just three full years in the market, this female-founded, Australian-made and owned, 100% natural fragrance house is making significant strides as the fragrance industry continues to witness remarkable growth.

In 2024, the global fragrance market is projected to reach USD $59 billion, with an expected additional growth of USD $8 billion over the next four years. Reflecting this upward trend, VAHY's revenue in FY23 alone surged by over 800%, totaling more than AUD $995k and achieving a 35% profit margin.

Speaking of the growth, VAHY co-founder Anna Weatherlake said, “As co-founders, Kate and I have bootstrapped VAHY to date, and we are really excited about the prospect of forging new relationships with like minded investors to help push our growth into new markets. We have grown rapidly in the last couple of years, whilst staying aligned to our values and ethos, and it’s time to take the next step, which we are incredibly excited about.” 

With no signs of slowing down co-founders, Anna and Kate are now ready to take international markets by storm, and scale their social and environmental impact.

In 2023 alone, VAHY:

  • Prevented 7.7 tonnes of sediment from reaching the Great Barrier Reef
  • Planted enough trees and shrubs to absorb 6.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide
  • Removed 678kg of plastic and debris from the sea
  • Removed over 27 pounds of plastic from the seas and waterways 
  • Donated $117,500 of VAHY fragrance to charity, Thread Together
  • All of this is in addition to our pledge of providing 1% For The Planet

What’s next for VAHY?

VAHY is now looking for like-minded investors to help take their genuinely green fragrance company to the next level. Capital raised through VAHY’s crowdfunding campaign will ensure their customers and fragrance consumers around the globe have access to fragrance products that are better for their health and the environment. 

With capital raised, VAHY is looking to:

  • Launch their most highly anticipated scent yet
  • Launch into hotel amenities with an array of home and body scented products
  • Launch into the US, with a signed distribution agreement
  • Launch into new international markets
  • Scale their social and environmental impact globally

VAHY’s mission

VAHY aims to raise awareness about the risks associated with mass-produced synthetic fragrances and their petrochemical ingredients, while creating 100% natural, genuinely green products.

With the recent adoption of the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act in the United States, perfume manufacturers must now disclose their ingredients to regulators for the first time. VAHY is at the forefront of a global movement to ban harmful chemicals from personal care products and firmly believes the next step should be required disclosure to consumers. When this happens, there will be a significant awakening. VAHY hopes social pressure will compel big brands to stop using forever chemicals and other dangerous ingredients in their products or, at the very least, be forced to be transparent with consumers.

This crowdfunding campaign is an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to invest in VAHY and help drive meaningful change on a global scale. Become part of a company that not only supports environmental charities but also makes environmentally conscious choices without sacrificing quality, longevity, sophistication, or style.

Register your interest in becoming an owner in VAHY today at

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